Try to imagine you won a trip to the Holy Land. Your guide takes you to a lot of places to see in the cities and the Judean hills. You see a shepherd out there. He is wearing a turban on his head and the customary long wool-like garment. He is carrying a shepherd's crook, a cane-like object and he is moving it across the brush and short grass to be sure there is nothing there that would injure one of his sheep. The sheep are all following behind him He does not drive them but leads them to keep them safe. There goes one of the small sheep and it is caught in a thicket. Carefully, the shepherd goes to the edge of the rocky cliff. He needs to get as close as possible so he does not fall over the edge. He puts his long crook under the sheep's neck and gently pulls it up to safety.
Born-again Christians are pictured in the Bible as sheep and God is like a shepherd caring for His sheep. Are you one of the Lord's sheep? If you are, He cares for you through every trial, heartache, burden, and defeat and also through all the victories and blessings as well.
If you are not yet a child of God, I strongly encourage you to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. See John 3:16-18. Put your name where it says "whosoever."
Born-again Christians are pictured in the Bible as sheep and God is like a shepherd caring for His sheep. Are you one of the Lord's sheep? If you are, He cares for you through every trial, heartache, burden, and defeat and also through all the victories and blessings as well.
If you are not yet a child of God, I strongly encourage you to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. See John 3:16-18. Put your name where it says "whosoever."