Monday, August 7, 2017


    All of us have some kind of shelter to keep us safe and dry when it rains and storms, although some have only a bridge overhead as their shelter. We all need protection from dangers. We do not always think about how important our shelters are. There are many in other parts of the world who have little physical shelter from those who seek to harm them. How sad that is.

    Physical shelters are not the only protections we need. Spiritual shelters are also indispensable because there is life beyond physical life. Death does not result in nonexistence. The palmist put it this way: “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty (Ps. 91:1). What a wonderful truth that is. But how can God be our Fortress and our Refuge? In other words, How can we be sure of going to heaven when we die?

    Scripture tells us about God’s great love for us. In fact, we are told that God is love (1 John 4:16). His love for us never changes. As God’s children, we need to never forget that no matter how hard the troubles and trials of life may be, God’s love is steadfast and sure.

    The marvelous and wonderful love of God for those who have not yet accepted Christ as their personal Savior is true and certain. He wants to be your Shelter from Satan’s eternal damnation. Christ paid the price for your sins on the cross. He is our spiritual Shelter when we accept Him as our Sin-bearer.