Monday, December 7, 2015


For many people Christmas is just another day. For some it is not just another day because they get to see friends and family. Maybe they don’t usually see them but once a year at Christmas time. There are many other things we do at Christmas like visiting friends and family members, making special dishes not served at other times, going to church, making and delivering food to the needy, or voluntarily substituting for a caretaker so that person can be with their own family. Now there certainly is nothing wrong with doing any of these things mentioned above and many more during the Christmas season. But we must not forget the Word “Christ” in the word “Christmas.”

    Webster’s New World Dictionary defines Christmas as “a holiday on December 25 celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.” That certainly is an accurate and brief definition of Christmas. It is a special day of the year to celebrate Christ’s coming into the world to provide salvation for all mankind.

    That provision, however, must be accepted by faith. Someone has described this salvation that Christ offers for all with the following words: “Salvation is by God’s grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.” That’s what Christmas is all about.