There seems to be a lot of talk about worship these days, especially in churches with worship leaders.
One of the Hebrew words used in the Old Testament indicates that to worship God is to bow down, to prostrate one’s self before Him. In this way, respect, adoration, and love are displayed.
Another Hebrew word is used which gives the idea of serving the one worshipped. The external form of the worship should be expressing that which is the inner reality of humility and service for the Lord. When this is true, God is well pleased.
The New Testament words for worship carry the same meanings and significance as those in the Old Testament. Jesus said, “You shall WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD AND SERVE HIM ONLY’ (Luke 4:8). “God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24). John the apostle said, “Fear GOD, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters” (Romans 14:7).
Surely, biblical worship is more than a happy, joyous feeling. It is not a mere religious ritual either. Physical body movement to certain kinds of music and beat does not equate worship any more than a quiet solemn spirit does.
What then is true biblical worship? Of course, there are various kinds and places for the child of God to worship Him. It can be done quietly as an individual or in a group in church or outside of church. We can worship as we reflect on God’s Word when we are riding a bike, praying, listening to the exposition of God’s Word, running, walking, or driving a vehicle. In other words, the child of God can and should give serious attention, adoration, and thanksgiving at all times for who God is and all He has done and is dong for us.
One of the Hebrew words used in the Old Testament indicates that to worship God is to bow down, to prostrate one’s self before Him. In this way, respect, adoration, and love are displayed.
Another Hebrew word is used which gives the idea of serving the one worshipped. The external form of the worship should be expressing that which is the inner reality of humility and service for the Lord. When this is true, God is well pleased.
The New Testament words for worship carry the same meanings and significance as those in the Old Testament. Jesus said, “You shall WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD AND SERVE HIM ONLY’ (Luke 4:8). “God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24). John the apostle said, “Fear GOD, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters” (Romans 14:7).
Surely, biblical worship is more than a happy, joyous feeling. It is not a mere religious ritual either. Physical body movement to certain kinds of music and beat does not equate worship any more than a quiet solemn spirit does.
What then is true biblical worship? Of course, there are various kinds and places for the child of God to worship Him. It can be done quietly as an individual or in a group in church or outside of church. We can worship as we reflect on God’s Word when we are riding a bike, praying, listening to the exposition of God’s Word, running, walking, or driving a vehicle. In other words, the child of God can and should give serious attention, adoration, and thanksgiving at all times for who God is and all He has done and is dong for us.