These days it seems we all try to make our possessions secure. None of us want others to steal from us. Not only that, but we also like to do all we an to be sure we ourselves are secure wherever we are and over all we have. Not all of us take the necessary precautions we should to be safe and secure. We do often get careless when it comes to this matter of security. Sometimes some of us tend to go overboard when it comes to the issue.
God’s Word addresses the matter of security often, even when the word itself does not always appear in Scripture. To begin, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are secure. If we cannot count on that, we cannot count on anything. Without God’s own security we are absolutely hopeless! But believers are not without hope from God. How absolutely wonderful it is to be assured of God’s marvelous security, His watch care over us.
Scripture speaks freely about how secure the child of God really is in the arms of Jesus. The psalmist put it this way, “. . . You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety” (Ps. 4:8). And again, he cried out to God, “Uphold me that I may be safe” (Ps. 119:117).
Every child of God, everyone who has accepted the finished work of Christ as the Substitution for his/her sin, is assured of eternal life (John 3:16-17; Rom. 6:23; Heb. 5:9). Eternal life never ends.
The eternal God gives eternal life, security to all who accept Christ’s payment for his/her sin. Does that mean it does not matter how the believer lives? Absolutely not, it matters mighty much. He disciplines His children, but eternal life is eternal.
God’s Word addresses the matter of security often, even when the word itself does not always appear in Scripture. To begin, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are secure. If we cannot count on that, we cannot count on anything. Without God’s own security we are absolutely hopeless! But believers are not without hope from God. How absolutely wonderful it is to be assured of God’s marvelous security, His watch care over us.
Scripture speaks freely about how secure the child of God really is in the arms of Jesus. The psalmist put it this way, “. . . You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety” (Ps. 4:8). And again, he cried out to God, “Uphold me that I may be safe” (Ps. 119:117).
Every child of God, everyone who has accepted the finished work of Christ as the Substitution for his/her sin, is assured of eternal life (John 3:16-17; Rom. 6:23; Heb. 5:9). Eternal life never ends.
The eternal God gives eternal life, security to all who accept Christ’s payment for his/her sin. Does that mean it does not matter how the believer lives? Absolutely not, it matters mighty much. He disciplines His children, but eternal life is eternal.